One hope that I have when you think about working with children
and families from diverse backgrounds simply put is that I demonstrate to them
that I accept them and want to be educated in their differences. As I reflect on this statement, I am aware
that this statement is directed toward every single person I encounter.
Sometime these statements seem to be directed toward people with unique
backgrounds from your own; however, every person I encounter has a different
background. If I treasure, respect, and learn from every single person I
encounter even those with the same ethnicity as myself I reflect a person that
desires to get to know, support, accept, and understand every person or child as
an individual. Individuality is preached about when it comes to the academic
learning regularly. If we treat, every aspect of our relationships with the
people we work with the same attitude anti-bias curriculum would be a no
Additionally, I am excited to continue to work with people from
diverse backgrounds and not ignore our differences but celebrate them and
become educated in various beliefs, attitudes and much more.
One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field
related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice.
My goal would be to advocate for equity, tolerance, and anti-bias
behaviors within my home, social, and work environment. The first step is to
educate the people around me by having training. I believe this is the order
in which a training sequence should go.
- Understanding Your own Biases
- Combating micro aggression
- The three E’s of Diversity: Educate, Experience, and Embrace
- Advocating for Equity and Social Justice
I reflected and created number three I am so excited about it. I cannot wait to develop this training!
I have thoroughly enjoyed this class,
and have learned a great deal about and from all of my colleagues through
discussion and blog posts. I want to thank all of you for being transparent
with some of your experiences. This really brought some emotional connection to
the subject area. For me when my emotions are triggered it is something I
remember for a lifetime.
Love and Joy to ALL of you!
Here are a few things I found that I
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