Saturday, July 19, 2014

Culture definitions

I was not surprised by the answers I received from the three individuals I spoke with about culture and diversity.  All of their definitions contained predominantly surface culture. Traits that can be physically seen such as skin color, where a person is from, the kinds of food they eat, and religion. All three seemed stumped, just as I have in the past. It was almost as though it took them much thought to come up with the answers they provided.     It is unfortunate, that many do not realize or understand the depth of culture and diversity.
Omitted from the definitions I was given that I had omitted as well was, language, beliefs, and the basic how others live and think differently. I never thought of culture and diversity being personal to each individual despite the surface culture.

I too, before this class was stuck at the top of the iceberg, only seeing what was visible. The adventure and reward is looking deeper underneath the water line of an iceberg. 

Here are some quotes on culture and diversity from many famous diverse people . You may enjoy them.


  1. Jocelyn,

    The folks I interviewed as well were residents from the top of the iceberg, as I have been in the recent past. I really appreciate that you thought to bring the iceberg analygy into your blog. I wish I had thought to use it because I do think it is a great way to describe the obvious first thought of differences and the "sea" of other multiple things that create our diversity and culture. I also really like the way you described the journey as an adventure and the results as a reward.

    Jenn Pore`

  2. Jocelyn,

    Surprisingly the people I interviewed gave a deeper definition of culture. I am stuck on top of the iceberg and I only knew the surface meaning of culture, Lol! This class is teaching me to think deeper and to go beyond the surface.

  3. Hello Jocelyn,

    I was confused about the real definitions of culture and diversity before this course. I thought they were one in the same, and to some extent they are. On the other hand, diversity and culture are so complex and deep: it is more than just the surface culture we think we know and see. The people I asked did a pretty good job describing both definitions, but one thing was clear is that they understood that culture and diversity is a unique identifier. Great Blog, Jocelyn!
