Saturday, January 18, 2014

Relationship Reflection

Barbra Streisand sings a song about people, "people who need people, are the luckiest people in the world" The song talks about the different relationships within our lives. I need people, without my relationships I believe I would be a very lonely person. I believe that the different relationships in my life help create who I am. They do not define me; however, they play a role and entertain the different aspects of my character. I have many different kinds of relationships with in my life and each play a different role. Family- My confidants, my world, my support, my comfort, trust, and unconditional love. Friends- fun, shared interests, sharing, love, and trust Professional relationships- Team work, support, shared goals
My twin sister, Jasmine, was important to me growing up. We shared the womb and much more. During our teen years, we grew a part and did not understand each other, and I often competed with her. I learned who I was without her through the years, which was needed in order for me to grow into an individual. Today, we are both mothers, and still have our moments of difficulty, but we do have a connection and love I am glad I was blessed with. I learned that some relationships change as we grow and develop over time. Some survive and some do not.
My Husband- We have a relationship and a partnership. We cannot live together without both. In this relationship it is give and take. We must both give and sometimes take. The support we have for each other is more than I could have ever dreamed of. God blessed me with this relationship. In order for any relationship to work there needs to be give or take.
My Assistant Director - We support each other and work together to create a positive relationship.
My boss- keeps me on my toes, challenges me, and pays me of course. I am constantly reflecting on my responsibilities and ask for input often. I want to do a good job and I constantly strive to do better.
My friend Naomi- She is such a good friend even though she lives far away, we support each other and are comfortable with each other. She will give me advice, tell me the truth, or just love me. I love her.
My Children- They are my world. The teach me how to be patient and have taught me a different kind of love. Relationships are all around us and sometimes I find it difficult to describe because they are so intricate in nature. I do know that my relationships define me. Relationships and partnerships take work. Each party must put in effort to grow it and sustain it.


  1. Nice peek into your your posted pic. I agree that relationships I have had and still do have helped to mold who I am. Relationships are a huge part of being a teachers, and I suppose we must understand our own relationships before we can understand another.

  2. Hello Jocelyn,

    I found some very valid points that you made about relationships and how they can effect us. I agree that there needs to be give and take in a marriage in order for it to be successful. I also found it very interesting that you said some relationships may survive and some may not and I found this very true because if you encounter a relationship that may be poisonous to our being then we need to remove it from our atmosphere as quickly as possible so that it does not bring us down. Healthy relationships are the bridge to happiness.

  3. Hello Jocelyn,

    It is obvious that relationships are important in your life. I enjoyed reading your post about your sister. I have a very close relationship with my sisters. We can share fun facts or very personal and intimate issues without being judged. Loved the pictures and blog.
