Saturday, August 9, 2014

Love in Any Lanuage...Religion...and Difference....(List can continue)

To complete this assignment, ask yourself these questions:
What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias, prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression? Keep in mind that one can encounter such incidents in real contexts, including online environments, as well as in fictional ones, such as movies, books, television shows, and the like.
I was raised in a Christian home and I love and cherish my faith. Throughout my childhood, I often clashed with my mother over our worldviews and Christianity. I have always been an accepting and loving person. I had friends of different faith, color, and sexual orientation. One of my friends whose belief was Mormon gave me a Mormon Bible because I was curious about it. I wondered how their book of Mormon would parallel the bible if at all. My mother found this book and ripped it in half It angered me. I began singing a song from church at the top of my lungs, “love in any language, straight from the heart” I would scream that includes religion and then continue singing, “pulls us all together never apart’. I was furious and could not believe my mother was that intolerant.  We got through it, but I have to say I lost a little respect for her that day.
Although we did not really talk about religious discrimination, this story really surfaced when the above question was asked.

In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression in that incident diminish equity?
I would not want anyone to tear my bible, it would show disrespect for what I believe and would be an insult. Equity is not shown when one person believes they are right and others are wrong in how they believe. Do not get me wrong, I believe that my religion and belief system is the truth, but my truth. I have decided to accept my religion. Every person has the right to choose how he or she believes. No person’s beliefs are better than the next in the equity of this world.

What feelings did this incident bring up for you?
I was angry and alarmed at how my mother responded to finding the book. I believe it was fear, fear that I would stray away from our faith. However, I could stray without viewing the book of Mormon.
I was appalled at the fact that I was taught to love and not judge. I felt that my mother’s reaction was pure hate and intolerant d.
What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this incident into an opportunity for greater equity?
I spoke to my mother about the incident how I felt that her actions are the actions that cause war around the world. She listened, but I do not remember her response. In me, personally it created more drive to be accepting and show tolerance. This will create drive for equity in how I go through life in the hopes that I become an example to others and one day maybe we all will start setting examples to change the world around us. I am not naive; I know it will take time but every step counts!

Below is the song I sung at the top of my lungs when the above events happened. I believe the song is talking about more than just language! We all have a heart, we just need to love each other. 

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