Monday, March 17, 2014

BAM Radio

BAM RBAM Radioadio is a place to listen to other ECE professionals and specialists talk about new issues and trends in the education field.

BAM! is an acronym for "body and mind" and BAM! Radio was conceived in 2007 on the premise that the key to success in life for children and youth is nurturing a healthy mind in a healthy body. Developed by early childhood professionals, BAM! Radio started out as a single online radio program called Body Mind and Child. It was created to bring parents the latest insights and wisdom from the leading experts in the fields of early childhood education, physical education/motor development, play research, child development, and the neurosciences

The link is : 

I listened to the following:

    Teaching Homeless Students

    Sarah D. Sparks spent the last five years writing about federal and state education regulations. She writes a blog called "Inside School Research" for Education Week. Barbara Duffield is Policy Director for the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth ("NAEHCY"). John Spencer is currently a sixth grade ELL teacher in a low-income urban school in Phoenix, Arizona and blogs regularly at Education Rethink. Melanie Link Taylor teaches both general ed. and Special Ed.
This radio broadcast talked about working with students that are homeless students. Sparks stresses that they are the most vulnerable students that look to school for their support system. School is their constant in their lives. Students are in constant flux and their stress level is high because of the unknown things in their lives. Homeless students try to stay under the radar.

Signs of homeless students
-behavior changes
- Food hoarding
- same clothing
- falling asleep
-talking about staying with other people.

Academic performance seems to dwindle.

Demographics also includes homeless students.

BAM Radio is amazing!! You can also contact people that participated in the radio broadcast.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER EDUCATORS (NAECTE) is the organization I have chosen to explore and educate myself with during this class. I was attracted to the Journal tab this week. I searched for demographics and found numerous articles related to the subject. 

The Journal is Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education and there is a plethora of information on this link.

The web site state the following about the journal:

"The Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, publishes original manuscripts, reviews, and information about association activities. Its purpose is to provide a forum for consideration of issues and for exchange of information and ideas about research and practice in early childhood teacher education. JECTE welcomes research reports, position papers, essays on current issues, reflective reports on innovative teacher education practices, letters to the editor and book reviews."

I previewed articles through the abstract, Most have to be purchased; however if you join NACTE you have free access through the members only tab. I am waiting for payday, but have now decided to join this professional organization.

Through their winter 2014 e-newsletter I found out they will have a conference in my state ( Colorado). I am always anxious to get new trainings; therefore, I am going to keep abreast of more information.

This next week I am going to view their tool kit for teachers which includes position statements.

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