Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

What specific section(s) or information seemed particularly relevant to your current professional development?

I have been looking at the NAECTE web site and the BAM Radio. I really have enjoyed and learned a lot from BAM Radio more than NAECTE.

BAM radio has a wealth of information on it. These are web casts to listen to. This site helps my professional development because I can search a subject and then listen to other teachers and professionals talk about it. This is a great site. The sections most relent to me are Educators Radio and Leadership Radio.

On NAECTE there is information that is relevant if I am a member. Most of the information on this site pertains to members.  I have learned about their yearly conferences that I can attend to get professional development hours. The winter 2014 Enewsletter talked mostly about nominations and board members and so on. It also communicated about scholarships that can be applied for. The section that would be most helpful to my professional development is the Journal Of Early childhood Education teachers. I did not become a member so I am unable to access most of the articles, unless I purchase them, But I know where to find articles if I need them.

 •Which ideas/statements/resources, either on the website or in an e-newsletter, did you find controversial or made you think about an issue in new ways?

Any podcast I listen to can be controversial and/or make you see things outside your knowledge base and explore other points of view. As I listen to these podcast/radio broadcasts, I keep an open mind and listen for statements that are backed by research. I then rethink were I stand in any specific issue, and form an educated decision and outlook.  

•What information does the website or the e-newsletter contain that adds to your understanding of how economists, neuroscientists, or politicians support the early childhood field?

Bam Radio has a tab called News and you can listen to press conferences and more about the race to the top. A program the Obama administration has put into play.

A podcast on  BAM Radio  below discuss the importance of the communities support of Education.

Why Schools Cannot  Do it Alone 
Jamie Vollmer, Jay Mathews, Valerie Strauss, Debra Viadero, David Bloomfield 
Jamie Vollmer is part of a class of education advocates who come from the business world. Though many professional educators dismiss what these increasingly influential advocates have to say, Jamie's message about how to get support for education reform has captured the interest of professional educators in high places. Listen to his key ideas followed by a reality check by our panel.
play button
•What other new insights about issues and trends in the early childhood field did you gain from exploring the website or e-newsletter?

I discovered that there is so much going on through politics, society, and science that I did not have any idea how much discussion goes on about our field. Additionally, I have found a plethora of peers to listen to and comment on different strategies, policies, and more.
BAM radio also has a parent category that can be useful when providing information to parents. Three is many different stations that will take months to go through, but is so fun, enlightening, and great for professional development.

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