Saturday, March 8, 2014

Professional Contacts & Exploring a Professional website

Professional Contacts

I have sent the following letter to:
Romania- I went there on a mission trip years ago.
Greece- I lived there when I was in middle school.
Kuwait- I had a friend that taught in the international school over there for two years, after the war. Germany- I lived their through High School and I have relatives that live there.
Brazil- I want to go there one day.

Whom it May Concern: My name is Jocelyn Richter and I am currently enrolled in a Masters program. One of my assignments is to establish at least two contacts outside the united states, in an attempt to grow my understanding of different perspectives on some of the issues and trends in the field of Early Childhood. I will then blog about my interactions with you for a grade. Are you interested in participating, or can you direct me to someone that will be interested?

Thank you for your time,
Jocelyn Richter

I have not yet received a response.

Exploring Professional Website

For this assignment I wanted to choose a website that would be useful to me in my future endeavors as well as now in my day to day interactions with both my team members and my families. I viewed a number of sites and thought I had decided to go with The Center for the Childcare Workforce, BUT as I viewed it I realized the last updated newsletter was from 2011; therefore, I searched on.  I quickly found the NAECTE website. I have briefly heard about NAECTE and decided that it would be beneficial to me to do some discovery.

I soon discovered through their statements of their purpose that this was a website that met my criteria.

"Our Purpose
  • To promote the professional growth of our membership
  • To discuss educational issues specific to our membership
  • To advocate for improvements in early childhood teacher education
  • Provide a forum for consideration of issues and concerns of interest to educators of early childhood teacher educators
  • Provide a communication network for early childhood teacher educators
  • Facilitate the interchange of information and ideas about research and practice
  • Use, as vehicles, the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, conferences, resolutions, position papers, and other publications
  • Cooperate with other national and international organizations concerned with the study and education of young children"

  • Below is the link to their brochure for you to view. In addition, their is a discount to become a member if you are in a graduate program. BONUS!

    I have not yet become a member, but will be considering it over the next couple of weeks as I explore their site and information.

    The following are the benefits of joining:

    Benefits of NAECTE Membership
    • a subscription to The Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education (published quarterly);
    • a subscription to the NAECTE e-newsletter;
    • voting privileges;
    • eligibility to serve on the Board and other organizational committees;
    • eligibility to receive awards.
    • reduced conference rates
    • networking


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