Sunday, April 20, 2014


Through this weeks discussion Dr. Meyers asked me how I would keep passion for the field;therefore, I looked up Burnout on Bam Radio. I found the podcast entitled "Getting Beyond Burnout".

Burnout is caused by teachers not feeling empowered or supported in what they need to do. Powerlessness is what causes burnout both in teachers and students.

A good way to cure burnout can be combated with professional development or goal setting.
During  burnout exercise during the day, a new hobby, spiritual activities, and becoming healthy.

Keeping a Journal may be helpful and having a good support system. "Connecting outwardly".


"Burnout among teachers is a growing problem driven by increased feelings of powerlessness in the classroom and profession. Our guests explore the roots of the problem and offer practical guidance on getting through and beyond burnout."


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jocelyn,

    It is true that teachers feel powerless in their classrooms at times when expectations are place on them without the required resources. Moreover, at one time there were two teachers in a classroom of 25 kindergartens but now things have changed with staff/ratios and teachers are still expected to perform as before when having two teachers can be rather challenging to make sure every child needs are met, and that they are performing on task. Therefore this could be one of the reasons for burnout, and why so many teachers are changing their profession from the early childhood field.
