Saturday, April 12, 2014

Digging Deeper

I linked to the partners of BAM radio and found  21 links to other early childhood sites. Head start is a program that was created to help in equity. BAM radio has a link to the National Head Start association. On this site is pod casts directed toward the Head Start program. Below is a list of  podcasts. Additionally you can subscribe via iTunes.

Vision Screening: Avoiding the Big Mistakes 
Guests: Dr. Bruce Moore, Dr. Jean Ramsey, and Susan Proctor

Are We making a Difference? New study says... 
Guests: Catriona Macdonald and Ronna Cook.
Preparing Head Start for H1N1 Flu 
Dr. Lisa Barrios and Tia Campbell
Accessing Stimulus Dollars for Head Start Guest Ted Waters with host Scott Stapf

I was pleasantly surprised to find more radio pod-casts. I appreciate these because time is precious, so when I am commuting I can educate myself even more during drive time!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jocelyn! Thank you so much for this great resource! As I scrolled down your post, one particular webcast caught my eye: Silencing the Whiners on Your Staff. I moved into the school office this year and was subject to all the comings and goings there. I was surprised and shocked to listen to all the whining that takes place there! Also, I have dealt with a whiny staff person on my team this year too. This webinar gave me some good insight. Thanks again! Michelle
