Saturday, April 26, 2014

Final Blog 6162

As I reflected on this class I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of new knowledge I gained. My favorite subject was equity. Equity is so important in all areas of early childhood development. I also learned of the depth of information that is out there both international and nationally. I did become very aggravated and overwhelmed as I viewed various information within our field.

One consequence of learning about ECE in other countries is that I have been made aware of how deep the need for research within our field. I had hoped that other countries would know more, although each country has different strengths it is not coming together as it should.

The second consequence to learning international is the unity we can feel . It is amazing to know that we are all on the same side and having a desire to learn more about early childhood.

Finally, a consequence is the knowledge that I have not even dented research of the early childhood . However, I think there will always be more to learn.

I am excited to continue this journey and I am in anticipation of all the new knowledge I will gain. My goal would be to continue to educate myself with various media both nationally and internationally. I really enjoyed BAM radio and have saved it to my favorites and will visit it often. Anyone who reads this...Please visit and plug in a subject and see what you get you will be happy with the results.


  1. Hi Jocelyn,

    I was also overwhelm to hear how teachers in other countries shared similar issues within the early childhood profession. Such as quality staffing, teacher/child ratio, funding, and even assessing children properly. However I know it will take more time and research before all can or will agree and come to an effective decision about what works best when it comes to helping our young children, and their families within the early childhood field. On the other hand I feel time is running out. We have to come to some type of positive decision for our young children because we cannot keep using our young children lives as trial and error and hoping something works because this would be no more than treating our young children like genuine pigs. And, as we all know, the first set of genuine pigs never make it. Therefore if there is no resolutions for our young children’s education, the first set of children will never benefit or develop effectively within programs within the early childhood field.

    Most of all Jocelyn, I would like to thank you for all your input throughout this course. I feel you for sharing important information, and websites that I know will not only help me but others as well within the early childhood field when they read your blogs. Therefore take care as you continue to grow with more knowledge of the early childhood field.

  2. Jocelyn,

    I know how daunting of a task it is that we haven't even scratched the surface of all of the research that awaits us. There is always new information to be found, However, this can be very exciting. Think about all of the changed that have been made thus far. We can always impact the future. Good luck in your future endeavors!
