Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Conscious Discipline Resource

I believe in the Conscious Discipline methods (CD), because it is more than redirection, it has many tools and strategies to teach the child how to handle situations, stresses, and emotions appropriately.  We validate the child’s feelings: “you are angry and upset and that is OK, but let me show you what to do when you are sad, angry, tired, excited” and so on.  The child is given social acceptable tools of how to handle their emotions, not just given consequences for the feelings and reactions they are having. We are teaching them to respond rather than react to situations and emotions. In addition, it is a respectful way of directing the child. The most appealing aspect of CD is that it is founded on relationship building with the child. Conscious Discipline has many different facets that cannot be mastered overnight, it will take time to implement and take a natural role within your classroom. CD allows you to can be creative with many aspects of the CD activities and make them your own. If you utilized this program, you will be excited as it develops within your classrooms.
The website has various resources for teachers and parents ! You will find much support on this site.

"Conscious Discipline for Educators
Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive self-regulation program that integrates social-emotional learning and discipline.Conscious Discipline is a longtime leader in the integration of classroom management with social-emotional learning, utilizing everyday events as the curriculum and addressing the adults emotional intelligence as well as the child's. Conscious Discipline empowers adults to consciously respond to daily conflict, transforming it into an opportunity to teach critical life skills to children.Conscious Discipline is evidence-based, and was named as a national model for character education by the Florida State Legislature."


  1. Jocelyn,

    Wow! What a great resource, I have not heard of before! So many great things to review and discover here. There are so many children with different personalities and needs and it's wonderful to find a resource that helps to put some of this into perspective. Thank you for sharing!


  2. Jocelyn, I like that you have included an evidence based discipline program as a resource. So often we have children who don't respond to the "normal" things we do in our classrooms. We need alternatives.

