Saturday, October 19, 2013

12 Characteristics of Effective Early Childhood Teacher

Twelve Characteristics of Effective Early Childhood Teachers
by:  Laura J. Colker

Great article to read or use when teaching early childhood educators.


  1. Jocelyn,

    I have really enjoyed getting to know you over the last 8 weeks. I can tell you have a lot of experience and I enjoyed gaining new insights from you. Managing can be challenging at times and I give you lots of credit for having that position and also balancing life and being a great mom! Hopefully we can stay in contact after the class ends and exchange ideas. I wish you all the very best!


  2. Jocelyn,

    I have really enjoyed reading your blogs. Thank you for your advice and for sharing your insights. All the best in your future endeavors.


  3. Dear Jocelyn, I appreciate your professionalism and the way you care about your staff. This is evident in the things you write in your blog and discussions. I am new to the leader role, and look forward to learning more from you about how you lead.
    Best wishes, Michelle

  4. Jocelyn,

    You have been such an inspiration. You continue to aspire to reach your goals, contary to what life brings your way. I admire your courage and passion in our field. Thankyou for sharing your experiences through out this semester. I wish you much success. Rachel

  5. Jocelyn,
    Thank you for all the wonderful comments during the course. You have been very inspiring and helpful. I hope we continue to keep in touch during the program. Please continue to share your experiences on your blog, as I will continue to follow. Jodi

  6. Thanks for sharing all your insights and thoughts throughout this class. Everything that the students have shared has been helpful and will continue to be helpful throughout our futures in the field. Thanks!
