Saturday, October 19, 2013


I really appreciate and respect the NAEYC code of ethics as a whole: however,  because of the position I hold now I really embraced the code for employees. I am proud to say that my staff retention is very good. I and at least 3/4 of my staff have been working at my school for 7-10 years. I believe this is because of us following the NAEYC  code of ethic without even really knowing it.

I enjoyed reading this because two of the schools I oversea are beginning the self Study step of NAEYC accreditation.

C—Responsibilities to employees

—To promote safe and healthy working conditions
and policies that foster mutual respect, cooperation,

collaboration, competence, well-being, confidentiality,

and self-esteem in staff members.
I-3C.2—To create and maintain a climate of trust and
candor that will enable staff to speak and act in the
best interests of children, families, and the field of
early childhood care and education.
I-3C.3—To strive to secure adequate and equitable
compensation (salary and benefits) for those who
work with or on behalf of young children.
I-3C.4—To encourage and support continual development
of employees in becoming more skilled and
knowledgeable practitioners.
P-3C.1—In decisions concerning children and programs,
we shall draw upon the education, training,
experience, and expertise of staff members.
P-3C.2—We shall provide staff members with safe and
supportive working conditions that honor confidences
and permit them to carry out their responsibilities
through fair performance evaluation, written grievance
procedures, constructive feedback, and opportunities
for continuing professional development and
P-3C.3—We shall develop and maintain comprehensive
written personnel policies that define program
standards. These policies shall be given to new staff
members and shall be available and easily accessible
for review by all staff members.
P-3C.4—We shall inform employees whose performance
does not meet program expectations of areas of
concern and, when possible, assist in improving their
P-3C.5—We shall conduct employee dismissals for just
cause, in accordance with all applicable laws and
regulations. We shall inform employees who are
dismissed of the reasons for their termination. When a
dismissal is for cause, justification must be based on
evidence of inadequate or inappropriate behavior that
is accurately documented, current, and available for
the employee to review.
P-3C.6—In making evaluations and recommendations,
we shall make judgments based on fact and relevant to
the interests of children and programs.
P-3C.7—We shall make hiring, retention, termination,

and promotion decisions based solely on a person’s
competence, record of accomplishment, ability to
carry out the responsibilities of the position, and
professional preparation specific to the developmental
levels of children in his/her care.
P-3C.8—We shall not make hiring, retention, termination,
and promotion decisions based on an individual’s
sex, race, national origin, religious beliefs or
other affiliations, age, marital status/family structure,
disability, or sexual orientation. We shall be familiar
with and observe laws and regulations that pertain to
employment discrimination. (Aspects of this principle
do not apply to programs that have a lawful mandate
to determine eligibility based on one or more of the
criteria identified above.)
P-3C.9—We shall maintain confidentiality in dealing
with issues related to an employee’s job performance
and shall respect an employee’s right to privacy
regarding personal issues.


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