Saturday, November 9, 2013


 Breastfeeding has been very important to me.  I feel that breast-feeding is a way to bond, nourish, and aid in my child's development.  Breast milk has been proved to have natural antibiotics that keep infants healthier. “Breast milk has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates.  There is nothing better for the health of your baby.  Leukocytes are living cells that are only found in breast milk.  They help fight infection.  The antibodies, living cells, enzymes, and hormones make breast milk ideal.  These cannot be added to formula” (American Pregnacy Association, 2013).  I was told how important breast-feeding was before I even got pregnant.  My husband completely heartily believed that kids that breast-fed were smarter.  I am not sure that is 100% correct, but in his experience, it was true.  I was so nervous that I was not going to be able to do it that I read many books on the subject before giving birth.  I realized when trying to breast feed it is all about being calm, patient, and drinking a lot of water.  Pressure is the evil of breast-feeding; you do better when you do not worry so much.  I feel that my children have developed a bond with me and a secure connection with me partly due to breast-feeding.  Often time’s women switch to formula because they cannot see how much their child is eating and feel uncomfortable with that.  More women need to continue to breast feed until a lactation specialist or doctor tells them to supplement.  Interestingly you can now buy breast milk online from milk banks, I even had a friend sell to a milk bank and later a friend buy from a milk bank.  Breast milk is so healthy for our babies. I will support mothers within my daily work by providing support and media to educate mothers about breast-feeding and its benefits. Additionally, I will provide an area for mothers to breast feed.

I did not look at one country and their culture on Breast-feeding.  I found the WBTI, which stands for World Breastfeeding Trend Initiative.  This initiative goes out worldwide to train, assist, and promote breast-feeding in at least 100 countries by 2012.  In 2012, they fell short, but had reached 88 Countries. Below is bullet points about their mission. IYCF Practies,Polices and Programme Worldwide

What is WBTi:

  • Participatory, action oriented simple research
  • Tracking, Assessing and Monitoring (TAM) the implementation of Global Strategy for IYCF
  • Ensures uniformity,
  • Objective is to reach about 100 countries by 2012.

The Need:
  • The United Nations Millennium Summit for MDGs – MDG 4 (2000)
  • The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding (2002)
  • WHA Resolution - Each country urged to develop, implement, monitor and evaluate a plan of action on IYCF
  • Innocenti Declaration on IYCF (2005)

  • WABA’s GLOPAR 1993
  • WHO’s tool “Infant and Young Child Feeding : A tool for assessing national practices, policies , and programs” (2003/4)

WBTi –How It Works?

  • Phase one – National assessment
  • Phase two – Ranking the country/region
  • Phase three – Reassessment to analyze trends

Indicators Part-I

1.        National Policy Program and Coordination

2.        BFHI

3.        Implementation of the Code

4.        Maternity Protection

5.        Health and Nutrition Care

6.        . Mother Support and Community Outreach

7.        Information Support

8.        Infant feeding and HIV

9.        Infant feeding during Emergencies

10.     Monitoring

Indicators Part-II

11. Early Initiation Rates
12. Exclusive breastfeeding Rates <6months
13. Median duration of Breastfeeding
14. Bottle Feeding Rates
15. Timely Complementary feeding Rates

What Goes in?

1.        Coordination

2.        Training/orientation

3.        Organizing national consultations and discussions leading to national assessment

4.        Analyzing and publishing the country report cards

5.        Compiling and publishing state of world’s breastfeeding, nationally and regionally

6.        Publishing results through WBTi web tool

7.        Follow up and offer IBFAN services for capacity building in code implementation, planning and facilitation, training of workers, and other program related to IYCF

8.        Advocacy with the use of report cards at national, regional and global levels to gather support in bridging gaps in program and policy



1 comment:

  1. Hi Jocelyn

    I agree with that breastfeeding is important for bonding with mother and child. It provide natural antibiotics that keep infants healthier. It also save money on buy formula.
