Saturday, November 2, 2013

Birth of my Baby Girl!

 I had been waiting for years to have a baby, and finally I was blessed to get pregnant.  I was so excited and so was my wonderful husband Kevin.  I was so excited at 7 weeks I had not had any morning sickness.  Well I spoke to soon, at 8 weeks I began morning sickness and it didn’t stop until my baby girl was born…it was awful, yet everyone said if you are sick that is a good sign of a healthy baby!  WHAT????  I grinned and bared it.  I am an overweight…shall I say fluffy individual.  My doctor informed me I could only gain 10- 15lbs because of my obesity.  I only gained six.  (Sticking my tongue out!J)  I had little complications during my pregnancy until the very end.  They induced me on my due date due to my blood pressure. When I arrived for the induction, they immediately started the Pitocin.  My contractions would not pick up intensity.  I was not progressing as fast as they had hoped.  12 hours later, they took me off Pitocin, told me to eat a meal and they inserted the pill into my cervix that they should have done in the first place.  Overnight I got minimal sleep and at about 6am I knew something was happening, I made my way to the bathroom, when I felt sick and gaged I felt dripping down my leg.  My water broke; now remember this is already over 24 hours after my induction began.  There was meconium in my water.  I was very upset about it.  My husband left to shower and within 45 min, my contractions started strong, and I requested an epidural.  My husband came back, I received my epidural, and instantly my contraction not only were relieved but also stopped.  About 4 hours later, they realized they never turned the Pitocin back on.  It was turned, and we waited.  My husband went down to lunch and 10 minutes later, I knew something was about to happen.  The nurse came in and I told her I felt a lot of pressure.  She checked me and said, well that is because you are ready to push.  I called my husband crying that it was finally time to push.  He returned and 45 min later after four pushes my baby girl, 7lbs 4oz was born, 32 hours later!  They were having trouble getting her numbers up, and forty-five minutes passed and I still had not held my new baby.  I asked please could I hold my baby; finally they gave her to me and told me if her number got below a certain number to call the nurse.  The instant she was in my arms her numbers went up!  The nurse said, ahhh she just needed her mommy.


  1. You have an amazing birthing story, I couldn't imagine having to labor for 30 plus hours. In the end the joy of a child is what ulimately counts. My pregnancies weren't any walks in the park either, my only concern were my children. In the end as long as they were ok so was I. I could endure anything for them.

  2. The power of a mother's touch and voice, what a small yet amazing gift that we give to our little ones. Such a long and trying labor but worth every moment, I'm sure. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us.
    The unfortunate circumstances of undeveloped regions of our world makes your heart bleed at times. However, she had to know what the situation of bringing another child into the world would be like. A lot of women in Australia actually opt to have their children at home.
