Saturday, November 2, 2013

Poor African women gives birth on the Floor.

I was amazed at the above women giving birth in her hut with her children playing outside. She cannot afford medical care; therefore she does it at home with a neighbors help. They lay plastic on the floor and the baby just falls out, she ties a string to tie off the umbilical cord, and then bathes her newborn. I could never do this.  This is a far cry from what I went through! I had the doctors involved with every aspect of my child's birth. This mother is more worried about how she will feed her 8 children, which could affect her children's development. I read a bit more about babies being born in Africa and it is absolutely a scary feat for these African women. There are more deaths of both mother and child then any other country due to young mothers, most women have a baby before they are 14. In addition they fight the risk of Malaria and HIV and AIDS. I am realizing how blessed I really am. I have learned that health care really is a need for a child to start life out with a better chance of survival and quality of life.


  1. This was an eye opening video I can appreciate the healthcare I can afford to receive. Things may never be perfect here in the United States, but we have a more than most. This mother struggles with more than I have ever had to go through.

  2. It is true, Jocelyn, we as women living in the United States can say that we are blessed. Many of these women in Africa and other part of the world don't have the support or respect from other people and sometimes are even rape with the change of acquiring AIDS or other sexual transmitted diseases. Last week I spoke about experiencing a at home childbirth, but nothing compare to this. Having eight children to take care of is so hard here in the United States, now imagine in Africa. I don't want to sound as a sexist or feminist, but we as women and of course children suffer so much, it is time for us to educate ourselves and children that we need to help each other not matter our color, gender or social statues, because maybe tomorrow you could be in that position.
