Sunday, September 28, 2014


I was not very surprised that my husband rated me pretty close to what I rated myself in all areas except anxiety. I believe he is privy to my nerves more than others in my professional life are, because I express my deepest feelings to him.  What surprised me most about his test is that he thought I did not like to speak in front of a group. When he knows I want to be a teacher of adults. I even said to him. Why would you think I do not like it, when that is what I want to do?  He just shrugged. I felt bad because I became passionate and a bit defensive. I had to regroup so that he would be honest for the rest of the questions. He also sees me at my worst when I resort to yelling. Yes women, I yell sometimes when my patience has run out and my kids are not listening. .
Professionally, I had one of my ex team members answer the questions. She told me that I get high anxiety when I have too much on my plate. She says I say yes to too much.  She unlike my husband thinks I do very well communicating to large groups, but that I am down on myself a lot. I would agree with that, I am my worst critic.  She also thought I was not very aggressive in my ways. I was surprised because with her specifically I have had to play the power card.

This week I was learned that I put a lot of my self-worth on my husband and I communicate that with many of my perceptions. Additionally I learned that I base a lot of my perception off personal experience, my own belief system, and off the way people look. I need to concentrate on changing my judgments and perceptions. I love to get to know people that is not only true from what I believe, but the other people in that took my survey agreed. I love people so much they can sometimes abuse that. I need to ensure that I give them the benefit of the doubt with my first impression too. 

I found this cartoon and it shows how peoples beliefs really do define their perceptions. 

1 comment:

  1. Jocelyn,
    I found it quite interesting that our results were similar. My boyfriend also rated me as having higher anxiety than I personally rated myself or my co-worker. I explained this to be due to my boyfriend knowing everything. Like you stated with your husband, my boyfriend gets to hear everything that goes on in my life, good and bad. From this assignment I have started to question if I put too much stress on my boyfriend always talking about the negatives in my life. Although your significant other is suppose to be there for you through thick and thin I would never want my negativity to wear off on him. Do you ever feel this?
